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Gender Inclusivity

Why use the "x"?

Gender is an important part of one’s identity. In order to welcome diversity, inclusivity, as well as promote freedom in the way people define themselves, FILAH decided to use the "x" in “Filipinxs in Liberal Arts and Humanities” to support gender neutral language.


The “x” in “Filipinxs in Liberal Arts and Humanities” symbolizes FILAH’s alliance and unity with people who do not identify within the traditional gender binary. The “x” serves as a crossroad of empowerment and unity, reminding community members to treat people with respect by resisting gender binary expectations and other forms of oppression.


Changing the “o” to “x” supports marginalized communities, and FILAH works tirelessly to ensure that all members feel welcome. We aim to create events that not only include discussions of LGBTQIA+ experiences, but also create platforms for our LGBTQIA+ identified community members to express themselves in their own ways.

A/pi LGBTQIA+ organizations on campus

Response to Equip

Here is a list of how filah will do more for LGBTQIA+ individuals within and beyond the filam

Mid February 2018, Empowering Queer Identified Pilipinxs (EQuIP) released a statement demanding the FilAm at UC Davis to take action against their exclusion of queer and trans people. FILAH promises to take action against exclusion within the community.

1. Collabs with APIQ, EQuiP, or LGBTQIA+ resource center to get to know the community.


2. Have workshops on representation in the media focusing on marginalized groups


3. Require board members to attend at least one event hosted by LGBTQIA+ orgs to show solidarity by being present


4. Have alumni who are LGBTQIA+ identified in career panels to be a resource to folks who are LGBTQIA+


5. Encourage AIOTS script writers to make characters gender neutral so all people could apply and feel comfortable (mandatory for board members who are script writers)


6. Name tags for all events/meetings (big enough to include people's pronouns)


7. During board retreat, extensively train board members on LGBTQIA+ topics/terms so that we can educate ourselves and be resources to community members


8. While FILAH has a statement about gender inclusivity on our website, we can expand that further and also link resources for folks to educate themselves too


9. Possibly create a position to keep the organization in check

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